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Trent Radio

Trent Radio
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Trent Radio

One of Canada’s top colleges, Trent University was established on the perfect of synergistic discovering that is close to home, deliberate and transformative. Reliably perceived broadly for authority in educating, examination and understudy fulfillment, Trent pulls in phenomenal understudies from the nation over and far and wide. Here, undergrad and graduate understudies unite and work together with staff, staff and their companions through assorted groups that compass private schools, classrooms, controls, active exploration, co-curricular and group based exercises. Over all controls, Trent breathes new life into discriminating, integrative thinking consistently. As the University plans to praise its 50th commemoration in 2014, Trent’s special way to self-awareness through strong, communitarian group engagement is in more request than any other time in recent memory. Understudies lead the path by co-making encounters established in dialog, differing points of view and cooperation. In a learning situation that fabricates deep rooted energy for incorporation, initiative and social change, Trent’s understudies, graduated class, staff and staff are locked in worldwide residents who are impetuses in creating practical answers for complex issues. Trent’s Peterborough grounds brags recompense winning building design in a stunning regular setting on the banks of the Otonabee River, only 90 minutes from downtown Toronto, while Trent University Oshawa conveys a different blend of programming in the GTA.Trent Radio official website address is www.trentu.caCanadaTrent Radio
Land: Canada
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 1411
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Trent Radio
Trent Radio
Trent Radio
One of Canada’s top colleges, Trent University was established on the perfect of synergistic discovering that is close to home, deliberate and transformative. Reliably perceived broadly for authority in educating, examination and understudy fulfillment, Trent pulls in phenomenal understudies from the nation over and far and wide. Here, undergrad and graduate understudies unite and work together with staff, staff and their companions through assorted groups that compass private schools, classrooms, controls, active exploration, co-curricular and group based exercises. Over all controls, Trent breathes new life into discriminating, integrative thinking consistently. As the University plans to praise its 50th commemoration in 2014, Trent’s special way to self-awareness through strong, communitarian group engagement is in more request than any other time in recent memory. Understudies lead the path by co-making encounters established in dialog, differing points of view and cooperation. In a learning situation that fabricates deep rooted energy for incorporation, initiative and social change, Trent’s understudies, graduated class, staff and staff are locked in worldwide residents who are impetuses in creating practical answers for complex issues. Trent’s Peterborough grounds brags recompense winning building design in a stunning regular setting on the banks of the Otonabee River, only 90 minutes from downtown Toronto, while Trent University Oshawa conveys a different blend of programming in the GTA.Trent Radio official website address is www.trentu.caCanadaTrent Radio
Land: Canada
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 256 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 1411
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